Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Blog Entry 2

 Images and Games

Two Games that I like are Uncharted: Drakes Fortune and LocoRoco.

1. Uncharted: Drakes Fortune 

I'll give a brief description about the game in the beginning followed by what I like about this game. This game is an action adventure third person shooter game which is exclusively for Sony PlayStation 3. The protagonist of this game is Nathan Drake, who is a supposed descendant of the explorer Sir Francis Drake. Nathan goes on an adventure to El Dorado in South America with his mentor Victor "Sully" Sullivan and journalist Elena Fisher to seek the lost treasure. Not only do they have to find the lost treasure, they have to combat pirates and a group of mercenaries to which Sully is indebted. I played this game in the year 2007 and still haven't seen a better game than this in this genre.

 The reason I like this game is it's amazing storyline. There are lots of surprises and twist in the plot of this game which keeps the player hooked onto the screen. The cut scenes in this game are quite interactive which is very rare in video games. The story unfolds according to the actions we choose to do in the game so the game play experience is quite different, even if we were to play it again from the beginning and performed different actions.

One of the most important qualities in the game according to me is the connection between a player and the characters in the game. Characters are the most important element in the game and aren't supposed to be dull, boring and lifeless. Nathan Drake's personality is quite amusing.The dialogues of the game are at par and the soundtrack gives more realism to the game. The game is made in Naughty Dog  engine with amazing graphics. Nathan has an ability to climb onto anything like rocks, walls, poles, roofs, etc. which gives the player more options to complete the level and increases the fun factor. I am providing a link of the game play and a few in game screenshots to give you a better understanding as to why I love this game.

Screenshots -

Official Website - http://www.naughtydog.com/games/uncharted_drakes_fortune/
Gameplay Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h04ZSO3NsTQ 

2. LocoRoco (PSP) 

LocoRoco is a puzzle game which is exclusive to PlayStation Portable. We play as LocoRoco, which is a round shaped creature who tries to save the planet from the Moja Troops. 

The levels in this game are very innovative and simple yet challenging where the user needs to figure out a way to save "Mui Mui", fight against Moja troops and reach till the end of the level. There are different colored Loco Rocos which can be transformed into different shapes like a square, circle, triangle or a rectangle. 
There is one Loco Roco in the beginning of the level and it grows by eating berrys. LocoRocos can split into small Loco Rocos and at the same time can be joined together to form a big LocoRoco depending on the situation in the game. I like the artistic touch given in the levels of this game which is quite impressive. There are lots of levels in this game which are quite different from each other and that is one of the reasons I like this game since I don't like the repetitive game play experience. The soundtrack of this game is very different and unique since the creators of this game have created a language using different words in katakana and modified it to sound like Japanese and I really love the soundtrack of this game. 

Screenshots - 

Official Website - http://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/locoroco-psp 
Game play Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KzihWDZiPY 

For my second blog entry, I have to upload two images that are created by me. These are the two sketches which I have made in my free time. The first one is a sketch of my favorite fruits i.e. a pineapple and an apple. The second one is a sketch of the bride and a groom walking together after they got married.

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